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  • Thesaurus: water
A black and white photograph of a woman shown from calves down, standing in a threshold barefoo…
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
A black and white photograph of a landscape with trees on the horizon and a large tree root rea…
Alen MacWeeney
1965 - 1966
A black and white photograph of the countryside in a patchwork of low stone walls, where just b…
Alen MacWeeney
1965 - 1966
A black and white photograph of a man being baptized with microphones hovering over the baptism…
Keith Cardwell
A black and white photograph of a young girl standing on a dock with a fish in her hands.
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
A black and white photograph of a young woman being helped out of a baptismal font or pool by t…
Keith Cardwell
A painting depicting a yellow boat or ark in an impressionistic landscape in which muddy greens…
Rudolph Valentino Bostic