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  • Thesaurus: building (buildings)
A black and white photograph of a car in front of the Saratoga Coal Company building.
Ralph Steiner
A black and white photograph shows a heavily-shadowed building with a fire escape in the center…
Ralph Steiner
A black and white photograph of laundry hung on telephone wires.
Ralph Steiner
A black and white photograph of a billboard depicting a pair of male and female legs on the sid…
Manuel Álvarez Bravo
1928 - 1929
A black and white photograph showing two cars parked on a street across from a store front with…
Ralph Steiner
A black and white photograph of a cobblestone street flanked by buildings with an older woman i…
Alen MacWeeney
1965 - 1966
A young woman walks through a street market carrying a brass coal bucket and basket. She wears …
Hans Herrmann
1900 - 1910
A blue cottage door with six glass panes and a transom window to the left of a slender tree.
George Hitchcock
n. d.
An oil painting of a dismal gray and brown sky with the sun's rays covered by a thick layer of …
Alexander Brook
c. 1937 - 1949
Street scene with a full-length profile of a woman wearing a long pink skirt, black coat and bl…
Felicie Waldo Mixter Howell