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  • Thesaurus: repoussé
Samuel Kirk & Son
1880 - 1896
Samuel Kirk & Son
1925 - 1932
Christening cup adorned with a single handle and a wreath of repoussé foliates containing the i…
John C. Moore
c.1848 - 1852
A silver swing-handled cake basket on a fluted and engraved stand, with repousse foliage, and a…
Grosjean & Woodward
c. 1854 - 1862
Samuel Kirk & Son
c. 1896 - 1910
A silver-plated glove stretcher with a floral repousse design on the handle and a mother-of-pea…
n. d.
Presentation Cup
Horton & Rikeman
c. 1850 - 1856