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  • Thesaurus: monument
A bronze sculpture of a man in uniform, with crumpled hat, hands folded in front of him, and a …
David Richards
An urn-topped obelisk centered in the photograph is surrounded by dark shadows.
Robert Orland Pearl Clark Jr.
c. 2016
View of the Stoddard plot and monuments at Bonaventure cemetery with landscaping and crows.
David K. DeLong
1996 - 1997
View of Taliaferro monument at Bonaventure Cemetery with a female angel.
David K. DeLong
A vertical landscape painting of three women in an overgrown cemetery with mossy trees. One wom…
Louis George Bouché
by 1969
A drawing of a monument on a hill behind a fence with a palm tree and light post on the left.
Stanley Allen Flagg
Two figures walk down a sandy lane lined with monumental oak trees draped in moss amidst sepulc…
Henry Cleenewerck
c. 1860
A print of the face and upheld torch arm of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
Roy Lichtenstein