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  • Thesaurus: Bonaventure Cemetery
A woman stands against a tombstone carved with two hands holding a crown.
Maria von Matthiessen
View of the Stoddard plot and monuments at Bonaventure cemetery with landscaping and crows.
David K. DeLong
1996 - 1997
View of Taliaferro monument at Bonaventure Cemetery with a female angel.
David K. DeLong
A black and white photograph of a landscape with an Oak tree in the left foreground with the br…
Jack Leigh
A vertical landscape painting of three women in an overgrown cemetery with mossy trees. One wom…
Louis George Bouché
by 1969
Two figures walk down a sandy lane lined with monumental oak trees draped in moss amidst sepulc…
Henry Cleenewerck
c. 1860