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Modern and Contemporary Art

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Splashes of colors with forced imposed rays running through and pulling the colors diagonally f…

Comprising paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, sculptures, and works in new media that represent American art achievement from 1945 to today, Telfair's collection of modern and contemporary art offers a rich and unique institutional story. With the opening of the Jepson Center for the Arts in 2006, Telfair increased its emphasis on collecting and exhibiting modern and contemporary art. The Museum holds a small collection of post-World War II American abstract art, primarily paintings by artists associated with Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting. Mostly small works by first and second generation Abstract Expressionists, this category includes several key larger works by Abstract Expressionist James Brooks and by Washington Color School painters Sam Gilliam, Howard Mehring and others. Telfair holds a small number of works by significant late 20th century artists, including artists associated with pop art, conceptual art and contemporary abstraction. A cornerstone of the Museum’s contemporary holdings is the Kirk Varnedoe Collection, arguably the Telfair’s strongest and most cohesive collection of late 20th century and early 21st century art. Current growth areas are focused on diversifying holdings in 21st century contemporary art.

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28 results
Patches of colors in red, pink, black, cream, blue, lime green and orange.
James Brooks
An action painting of two baseball players caught in a moment of heightened anticipation as one…
Elaine de Kooning
Four overlapping rectangles in brown, green, yellow and white.
Maya M. Farber
A large scale non-objective painting on a shaped stretcher and canvas made up of separate piece…
Sam Gilliam Jr.
Splashes of colors with forced imposed rays running through and pulling the colors diagonally f…
Sam Gilliam Jr.
1969 - 1971
Kenneth B. Herrington
before 2020
A painted canvas that is free from any structured support and repeats the phrase “horizon of ju…
Bertha Husband
A non-objective watercolor with washes of color, mostly blue, with vertical streams of red, gre…
Paul Jenkins